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Vertical City Toolkit - Energy Analytics
What if condominium boards or property managers were able to accurately track of how much energy they were consuming? And what if they...
Vertical City Toolkit - Reserve Fund Forecasting
The Vertical City Toolkit is a collection of software tools offered by Vertical City; a suite of tools built for Condo Boards to help...
Building a Strong Future: Effective Reserve Fund Management
As money is continuously stored in the 🌐reserve fund every month, it eventually grows to a point where investing it becomes prudent -...
Discovering the Simulated Forecast
On the Vertical City Toolkit site, in the Report Card page, you see the chart below that plots a forecast of a user's Reserve Fund. By...
Avoiding the Pitfalls: Tackling the Top Issues Facing Condo Reserve Funds
Many buyers purchase a condominium unit and start paying common element fees without truly knowing how the fees are used. Many owners...
Negativity Bias: Is your Strategy Prudent or Overly Cautious?
There has been a proliferation of advertisements recently encouraging people to be more bullish with their investments. A Questrade ad,...
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